Friday, April 8, 2011

My Digital Video Effects Experience and IDTV

I mainly focused on creating the IDTV show bumper these days besides my assignments for both my 146 and 148 classes. Some thoughts are popping out from my mind...

It's quite good experience to create some motion graphics and animations that could be shown on TV, but meanwhile it really took me a lot of time --- I spent almost one full day for making just one show bumper design. With my own perspective, creating motion graphics and editing videos are two different things. When editing video, you should keep an eye on certain things like eye trace and screen continuity; but when it comes to motion graphics design, the sky is the limit. You can have thousands and thousands different designs, the key is how it will look like on TV. Does it look good on TV with this design? If not, try with another design. That one doesn't work? Try another. Just keep trying different designs until you find one that really looks good. Experiment is very important when working on such video effects and motion graphics, and your designs could be ever-changing.

Speaking of IDTV, we are now heading to the preproduction for Show#2, but some of the pieces are already under productions. We'll also be creating a brand new show opener for this season, more than that, we'll have a segment talking about green sustainable business here in CCSF, sustainable food systems and much much more. Our entire show#2 will be rehearsed on April 27 and live-to-tape recording on April 29, with your hosts Steffanie Tjong and Rudy Solis. The show#2 should be on air first week of May, but the exact air date / time is still to be announced.

We're in the midway of the IDTV 2011 season, and we are confident that we can do more great shows!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see show #2. Keep up the excellent work!

