Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Digital Video Effects Showcase

Although they're not really stunning masterpieces, I still want to show some of my BCST 146 Digital Video Effects classwork. Some of them are for our IDTV show this season, some of them are my assigned projects for that class. If you're not in that class now, you should take it next year, it's definitely a great class. You'll learn a lot about creating digital effects and motion graphics, and more importantly you'll get the most of the After Effects concepts. I think it is really beneficial to take both advanced studio class along with the digital effects class.

Motion graphics design + video production + editing = really good combination of skills.

Our show#2 of this season's IDTV will be recorded on April 27 & 29, but many of our show pieces are now under productions... And, we're ready to roll!